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Published: 07-Feb-17
Getting Your Articles to Get You Some Attention
Site traffic is a big issue nowadays: nearly all webmasters and web developers will not be content with great text and graphics on their site. Besides, the adage ?build it and they will come? does not work with the offices of the online arena. After building a website, the work has only begun: marketing has to proceed quickly and smoothly, with the site URL getting exposure both online and offline, and with the site undergoing updates nearly every week in order to speed up data collection by major search engines. All of these are done in an effort to turn the site into the equivalent of an offline popular store, but all of these efforts will look like hard selling methods if you as the website owner have no strategies to help your visitors have easier, better lives.

By building relationships with your prospective clientele, you can end up making them listen to you and buying your products and services. This time, an advertising adage applies: people don?t care about what you know until they know that you care. This means that you can give them some things for free, such as downloadable wallpapers and screen savers, free games, or even cash coupons. However, if you are expecting an international clientele, not all wallpaper or screen saver designs will apply to all cultures, not everyone likes free games, and you can probably ship cash coupons only to your immediate region. A versatile way for you to reach out to your clients, however, exists in marketing articles.

Marketing articles means having articles written in an engaging tone, and with subjects that will appeal to your clients, and meet their needs in life. For instance, if you are running a t-shirt store online, you can have articles on how to clean up different stains on different kinds of cloth. If you are a web designer, you can have articles on what kinds of sections a website should have, and what these specific sections should contain. The articles should be informative, and they should be short and snappy: your clientele will have only a few minutes to read anything online before they start getting headaches, and you have only a few seconds to catch their attention.

There are article marketing sites online that will allow you to post article snippets: you only need to provide great titles and a good excerpt of your articles, and then a URL to your site. Make sure that your articles are written in an engaging manner, and with correct grammar and punctuation. The better written your articles are, the more inviting they will be: think of your snippets as tickets to your website, and you are selling them off to prospective clients whom you want to benefit from more things at your website.

Post only a few articles at these article marketing sites, and then have more at your website. Provide links that will allow your customers to share your article with their family and friends: these links could contain your URL, which could allow people to visit your site more often to get more information. Moreover, keep adding articles: the more frequently your website is updated, the more that people will keep coming back for more.

These are only a few tips on article marketing. If you have a healthy number of articles, and a lot of good marketing sense, you can make it big in the online arena.

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